
Entry1  samihafa
Elementary words  2  samy, hafa
Part of speech  3  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Isan-karazany: Voaravaka voninkazo samihafa ny Lapan' ny tanàna fa fety ny andro (tsy tokony hafangaro amin' ny "samy hafa" izay "tsy mitovy" no heviny
Explanations in English  5  [1.2] mutually different.
Explanations in French  6  [1.3#570] différent
7  [1.13] divers
Examples  8  Avy eo ny filazana vaovao sy ny adidy samihafa. [2.470]
9  Sarangan' olona samihafa no hita tamin' ireny nosamborina ireny. [2.472]
10  Names :
11  Adjectives :
Other spellings  12  samyhafa
Compound words 
Proverbs  14  Proverbs containing the word samihafa

Anagrams  15  fahamasy, mahasafy, samihafa, samy hafa

Updated on 2025/01/21